D E M O -Update

Thanks for checking out demo and following along with its development :D

Map 1 is under construction! This game is about Y O U waking up in a strange world. I will be adding story elements at a later time, but if you follow along you will be able to see its progression. I will list off what has been updated, then let you know what you can expect in the future.

v0.04 Notes:

- Map layout and concept.

-Purchasable doors /  weapons / ammo.

- Parts of a hidden puzzle are in but not completed.

- Move awesome music by https://steviasphere.bandcamp.com/ check em out! :D

Future - Estimated 2 weeks
- End game puzzle trigger

- End game trigger for surviving a specif amount of rounds.


v0.04.zip 229 MB
Jan 03, 2019

Get D E M O

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