A downloadable game for Windows

Legend goes that during the early construction of AEA  The Founder was visited by an elder god.. Musta been one... I bet thatch why this place is so.. well you know. 

Arena shooter demo

1 level you can unlock doors and buy stuff off walls. 

Music by: 


Please report any bugs you find.  If you don't like something about the game please tell me :D its valuable xp in the dev tree. 


v0.04.zip 229 MB

Install instructions

This is a windows zipped file. Unzip with your zipper of choice. DM me if you need to know a good ZiPPer ill be happy to help! ok ok then you click the folder 2x like you would knock on a door. then0 ignore all the other stuff but the icon D E M O click that and the game will boot up, Now currently there is no way to close the game but if you  hold alt +F4 ( thats the keys above the number keys... you probbly know this /./ ) excuse me.. that will close the game ALT + F4 ( function 4 ) **they get it ... ** 

Development log

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